This Month is Mental Health Awareness Month
This Month is Mental Health Awareness Month.
It’s Green, It’s Holistic, It’s Natural, It’s growing,
….…. It’s Homeopathy
The green ribbon is the international symbol for mental health awareness.
Why not give Homeopathy a go for a Holistic approach for your mental health.
On Mental Health
Something I experienced and recognised a while ago was the urgent need for Mental Health treatment.
It first came to light when working closely with a client. I witnessed that the depth of Mental Health pathology is not always recognised by the local GP. Of course, a GP will do as much as they can to help the patient, but due to current pressure and demands, they are likely to be rushed through the health system.
Hence, they do not get enough access time to express or talk through their case or situation.
Mental Health a Misunderstanding
Mental health is in many cases can be misunderstood, and extremely hidden from ones view.
A mental personality imbalance may appear normal to most people, but in more extreme cases, it is more apparent and obvious.
The Family Dynamic
I know many people from all walks of life that are suffering in silence as the internal emotion build-up becomes crippling, and in some cases, it can be devastating.
It can become an emotional roller coaster of highs, lows and confusion to one’s family life that then leads to personal questions of stability, guilt, fears and uncertainty.
Mental Health doesn’t just affect those with chronic issues, it also affects those around them.
When someone close is experiencing an ongoing mental imbalanced state, it may be you that needs the added support.
More common than you think
Most people at some time have Mental imbalances at different periods of their lives and experience it in a manner of different ways.
As a Homeopath, I often take the mental situation as a strong part of the case. My aim is to recognise habitual patterns and the root cause of the issues of my clients.
Just a thought
With mental imbalances, it can be challenging to separate the negative thoughts from one’s mind.
This could mean that you have a constant bombardment of negative thoughts. These could make you feel bad, stressed, ashamed, guilty, arrogant, depressed, hard done by, let down, grieved, anxious, uncertain, shy, possessive, panicked, hungry, psychotic, hysterical and the list goes on.
The Homeopath
As a Homeopath, I look at the client in detail from the first consultation that lasts between 1 to 1.5 hours. The initial consultation gives me a good overall view of the client that starts off a gradual unraveling and understanding of any underlying issues.
The homeopath will suggest a remedy, potency and how often to take them. Over the following few weeks, the remedies should stimulate some action. The follow-up sessions will lead to further investigation and progression of any ongoing issues.
It is important to follow things through
When it comes to mental health, Homeopathy doesn’t just have a magic pill that will sort out all issues immediately. It takes time and self-commitment for you to follow through.
As it’s your life that needs change, taking on self-responsibility is an integral part of the ongoing therapy process.
Where are you at?
Are you prepared to make an effort and commitment to yourself?
If there is something that you would like to talk about, please feel free to call James for an informal chat and find out how Homeopathy may be able to benefit your State of Mind.
Do you have Anxiety or Stress?
Feel free to discuss with James more about supporting your anxiety or stress needs and ask about a flexible plan.
As you are free to choose what suits your needs, there is no pressure to sign up after the call.

James Lawrence MARH Rhom Homeopath Enfield, clinic at Keats Health. London Road. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, You Tube and at Shaolin Wahnam London