What is hay fever?

Hay fever is an allergy caused by pollen grains released during the pollen season. It’s all about the seasons and the weather! Surprisingly the pollen season can run from February to November.

A single pollen particle can have varying amounts of allergy-causing agents on it. Pollen is like minute microscopic powder grains that float in the atmosphere.

If inhaled, pollen can cause irritation and inflammation. It triggers the antibody immunoglobulin E, which creates mucus and leads to symptoms such as congestion and sneezing.

Hay Fever
Summer Grasses

The Spring to Autumn Season

Pollen comes from trees, grasses, weeds and flowers. At least 10 million people in the UK suffer from pollen allergies.

Tree pollen affects around 22% of people. It is estimated that about 95% of hay fever sufferers are allergic to grass pollen.

Spring to Autumn periods of constant rain and sunshine can prolong the hay fever season. In longer dry seasons, the hay fever period is shorter. Less rainfall in the season means less grass, more rain means more grass, which leads to more pollen.

Temperature can release grass pollen at temperatures between 18 – 28 °C. Added with a breeze, this is most likely to be uncomfortable.

Tree pollen molecules release at about 13 – 15 °C, a lower temperature before grass pollen activation.

Tree pollen is most active during the late winter and early spring. If you experience symptoms at these times, you most likely have a tree pollen allergy.

Symptoms of Hay Fever*

◉ Sneezing
◉ Runny Watery Nose
◉ Blocked Nose
◉ Loss of Smell
◉ Itch Mouth
◉ Itching Throat
◉ Throat Dry

◉ Itchy Eyes
◉ Sensations of Eye Grit
◉ Redding of the Eye Lids
◉ Eyes Puffing & Swelling
◉ Headaches
◉ Hives
◉ Burning Sensations

Salvis pratensis - 01JPG copy
Flower Pollen

◉ Sneezing
◉ Runny Watery Nose
◉ Blocked Nose
◉ Loss of Smell
◉ Itch Mouth
◉ Itching Throat
◉ Throat Dry

◉ Itchy Eyes
◉ Sensations of Eye Grit
◉ Redding of the Eye Lids
◉ Eyes Puffing & Swelling
◉ Headaches
◉ Hives
◉ Burning Sensations

Salvis pratensis - 01JPG copy
Flower Pollen

◉  If you have asthma, you may experience enhanced symptoms of a tight chest, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing.

Homeopathic Remedies for Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever

There are over 100 possible remedies for Allergic Rhinitis and Hay fever.

With homeopathic treatment, it is essential to find the correct remedies for your specific hay fever symptoms.

Hay fever conditions often require constitutional treatment from a qualified Homeopath. It is because the conditions go beyond the main surface symptoms presented.

You can get over the counter homeopathic remedies. However, it is always best advised to go through a Professional & Qualified Homeopath.

Below are several Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever remedies.

1: Allium cepa

For symptoms with streaming and watery eyes without burning or stinging. For Itching eyes that can be sensitive to light
 bouts of sneezing and worsens in a warm room.

We find runny nasal discharge with a burning fire sensation that can extend to the upper lip and sides of the nose. We find marked rawness and redness.

The burning sensations mainly occupy the throat and sides of the nose. Better for open-air but worse in the evenings and being in a warm room.

2: Apis

Apis can be good for helping children with hay fever with intense swelling and puffing around the eyelids.

Apis is for stinging eyes with deli­cate surrounding tissues and with marked redness. The swollen area will most likely be sensitive to touch with visual redness that may come on very rapidly.

3: Arsenicum album

Especially useful for those with Asthma. Arsenicum profile symptoms indicate those with strong burning sensations. Burning in the eye’s, nose and throat. Burning hot eyes surrounded with puffiness. 

Those with constant sneezing with a thin acrid discharge that runs down to the lips. Despite running discharge, the nose still feels blocked.

Better for staying indoors and keeping warm whilst symptoms are mainly worse at night, especially at midnight.

For those with symptoms that also have a fever and who are mentally and physically restless. For those who tend to be very particular and wants everything to be neat and clean.

4: Euphrasia

Also called Eye-bright, it has a strong focus on the eyes. Can have running eyes with burning or smarting sensations. Usually with an intolerance to light that sometimes is accompanied by blinking and screw­ing up of the eyes.

For eye inflammation marked by sneezing and profuse secretion of watery discharge.

The eyes feel sore, gritty with occasional sticky acrid mucus that builds around the eyes with burning. 

Where there is frequent sneezing that tends to get worse at night. Where cough symptoms are more pronounced, the symptoms will be better at night, for cool open air and worse in the daytime sun.

 Euphrasia can also be used in eye-drop form. 

5: Nux vomica

The main symptoms of Nux vomica are itching and irritation. Itching in the ears or throat, with a constant desire to sneeze.
 Irritable and bad-tempered, these sufferers tend to be worse in the early morning and better for warm drinks.

Periods of prolonged sneezing can occur, especially in the morning.

Nasal discharge is runny during the day and stuffed in the night and when outdoors. The stuffiness can alternate between nostrils.
These people can be chilly and irritable and stay up late due to the constant irritations.

Symptoms can get worse after eating, in cool open air or breeze and drafts. They will feel better from a running nose, from rest, warm drinks, and moist air.

6: Sabadilla

Sneezing is the main characteristic of this remedy. With long bouts of spasmodic sneezing that make the eyes water.

In Sabidilla, we see a sore throat most often on the left side. It can be difficult to swallow especially, with a dry and coarse throat.
Other symptoms include watering eyes with red and sore eye margins. Other symptoms may include sinusitis with frontal headaches.

There is a preference to be indoors in the warm. Symptoms may feel worse in the open air and in sunlight. Strong smells of flowers or garlic may make symptoms worse.

There can be marked itching in the nose and at the back of the throat. And some itching and tingling in the nose and mouth.

7: Mixed Pollens :

Mixed Pollens is a general all-around pollen mix from Tree’s, Grasses and Flowers.

The Mixed Pollens remedy ideally should be taken before the pollen season starts. And can be used on its own or in combination with other Homeopathic remedies. Especially in the treatment of acute hay fever!

All Archive 2 raw A-D 20060527_18-46-18
Summer Tree Pollen

Some other useful pointers about pollen

◉ According to the International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, high pollen levels can affect anxiety levels in people with recurrent mood disorders, such as bipolar.

◉ Pets can get hay fever. There are many great Homeopaths treating animals with homeopathy.

◉ Alcohol contains histamine and worsens the effects of pollen allergies.

◉ Cities tend to have lower pollen counts than the countryside.

Final Note from James

I hope you have learned something more about Homeopathy and what it has to offer. If you have any questions please contact me and I will be happy to answer as best as I can.

In the meantime make the most of the information on this website.

Qualified and Registered Homeopath
+44 (0) 7896 533 193

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Summer 2020
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Please note that it is better to seek professional advice from a qualified Homeopath when administering Homeopathic remedies. This includes long term chronic illnesses and short term acute illnesses.

If for any reason you have any concerns over symptoms of Covid-19, please follow advice from the NHS, your doctor or your GP

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