A Holistic Approach
Homeopathy is a complementary therapy and uses a holistic approach.
It is holistic because it looks at each person’s mind, body and emotions when they are in consultation. Each session gives a good overall picture of the client
During each session, we fit the remedy according to each person’s unique set of symptoms.
The remedies stimulate the bodies systems. Depending on the individual, we can focus on either chronic or acute situations, allowing us to deal with the most urgent need first.
Remedies come in a variety of potencies, this allows the us to be more specific at reaching a persons’ imbalance in any of the bodies systems.
The term “bodies systems” is referred to as the collective of Mind, Body and Emotions in most cases.
The principle of ‘like treats like’
The concept of ‘Like treats Like’ or more well known as ‘Like cures Like’ is largely inspired by the great Greek Physician and ‘Father of Medicine’, Hippocrates.
“By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured”. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), ‘Father of Medicine’.
Why see a Homeopath?
Below are a few reasons why you may consider seeking treatment.
Maybe you’re new to Homeopathy and want to give it a go.
Perhaps other therapies and treatments have not had the desired result.
Perhaps someone you know has got benefits from this holistic therapy.
Or maybe you already know enough and want to explore more to experience what it can offer.

The basic facts
It is a growing complementary therapy that has over 200 years of history. Many people have benefitted from seeking this growing holistic treatment.
There are 6 million+ UK users and over 100+ million European users who use this therapy regularly to benefit mental, emotional and physical health.
It is also well documented that many famous and well know people support and use Homeopathy.
It has over 200 years of history. There is strong evidence that Homeopathy is beneficial to one’s health, affecting a variety of physical, mental, and emotional states.
The Homeopath
I look at the client in detail from the first consultation that lasts between 60 – 75 minutes
The initial consultation gives me a good overall view of the client that starts off a gradual unravelling and understanding of any underlying issues.
I then suggest a remedy, potency and how often to take them.
Over the following few weeks, the remedies should stimulate some action. The follow-up sessions will lead to further investigation and progression of any ongoing issues.
A place for all
I genuinely believe, like many others, that it will be one of the most used and widespread forms of medicine in the coming future.
Although science can not yet measure the frequencies of the remedies, I’m positive that in the future they will.
When this happens, I also believe demand will explode and that our future health system will transform into a more integrated way of working.
Fortunately, it is available now. You have a choice of your own to make, so always make the choice that’s right for you.
Your choice, your health!
James Lawrence MARH Rhom Homeopath Enfield, clinic at Keats Health. London Road. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, You Tube and at Shaolin Wahnam London